高壓水霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)氣霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)真空熔煉氣霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)旋轉盤(pán)離心霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)等離子體霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)急冷法非晶粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)(中日合作)等離子體球化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)氮氣保護氣動(dòng)分級超細粉末材料系統電極感應熔煉氣霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)燃氣火焰球化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)真空熔煉霧化造粒裝備噴霧沉積成形裝備粉末材料生產(chǎn)裝備推桿式脫氧還原設備鋼帶式脫氧還原設備網(wǎng)帶式脫氧還原設備管式回轉煅燒設備井式水蒸汽熱處理設備臥式真空脫脂設備氫化脫氫生產(chǎn)鈦粉末裝備粉末材料熱處理裝備真空脫脂燒結一體裝備高比重(PM/MIM)臥式真空燒結裝備高溫鉬鎢絲燒結裝備全自動(dòng)推桿式燒結裝備網(wǎng)帶式燒結裝備高真空大型真空燒結裝備燃氣快速脫蠟/氣淬網(wǎng)帶式燒結裝備真空高溫感應燒結裝備CIM陶瓷燒結裝備連續式真空/氣氛熱加工設備壓力燒結爐粉末制品燒結裝備真空釬焊爐高溫連續石墨化生產(chǎn)設備真空定向凝固爐真空回火/退火爐真空感應熔煉爐雙室真空油淬氣冷爐CIM陶瓷脫脂裝備熱處理裝備真空(非真空)熔煉氣霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)等離子體球化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)等離子體霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)超細/納米多元復合正極材料及球形硅粉末負極材料生產(chǎn)技術(shù)解決方案鋼帶式材料煅燒合成設備推板式材料煅燒合成設備管式回轉煅燒設備正極材料生產(chǎn)設備技術(shù)方案應用領(lǐng)域石墨烯制備創(chuàng )新材料生產(chǎn)技術(shù)專(zhuān)業(yè)解決方案先進(jìn)零部件產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)解決方案儲能電池解決方案智能裝備和新材料技術(shù)測試和展示中心安裝培訓售后技術(shù)支持配件供應服務(wù)與支持關(guān)于我們專(zhuān)家顧問(wèn)團企業(yè)文化資質(zhì)榮譽(yù)組織機構廠(chǎng)房廠(chǎng)貌聯(lián)系我們人才招聘?技術(shù)解決方案之推桿式還原爐進(jìn)出料現場(chǎng)視頻技術(shù)解決方案之推桿進(jìn)出料現場(chǎng)視頻技術(shù)解決方案之推桿進(jìn)出料現場(chǎng)視頻久泰科技出口日本水霧化制備粉末材料生產(chǎn)線(xiàn)視頻出口歐洲解決方案案例視頻資料下載內部管理平臺
案例詳情 / Case Details
技術(shù)方案簡(jiǎn)介: 射頻等離子體,具有能量密度高、加熱強度大、等離子體弧的體積大,由于沒(méi)有電極,不會(huì )因電極蒸發(fā)而污染產(chǎn)品。 射頻等離子體粉末球化技術(shù)原理,是在高頻電源作用下,惰性氣體(如氬氣)被電離,形成穩定的高溫惰性氣體等離子體;形狀不規則的原料粉末用運載氣體(氮氣)經(jīng)送粉器噴入等離子炬中,粉末 顆粒在高溫等離子體中吸收大量的熱,表面迅速熔化;并以極高的速度進(jìn)入反應器,在惰性氣氛下快速冷卻,在表面張力的作用下,冷卻



  射頻等離子體,具有能量密度高、加熱強度大、等離子體弧的體積大,由于沒(méi)有電極,不會(huì )因電極蒸發(fā)而污染產(chǎn)品。


Application and Principles

Radiofrequency plasma possesses high energy density, strong heating strength, and its plasma arc is huge. Due to no electrodes available, it can not generate polluting products caused by electrode vaporing.

The principle of radio-frequency plasma powder balling technology refers to that inert gas (like argon) is ionized under the effect of high-frequency power supply and formed as hot inert-gas plasma; and the irregular raw powder is sprayed by vector gas (nitrogen) into the plasma through powder feeding device, and these powder particles absorb large amount of heat in hot plasma and their surfaces are melted rapidly; then these melted powder are sent into reaction device by extremely high speed, and chilled down under inert gas environment. Consequently, they are cooled down and solidified into spherical powder by surface tension; furthermore, they are sent into material gathering room and are gathered.






Superiorities and Features

1. Heating temperature is high, cooling speed is fast, and no electrode pollution is produced;

2. Reaction materials are dynamically dispersed in plasma, in this way it can avoid the accumulation and growth of powders, and it is applied to melting and balling of powder particles;

3. It is applied to preparation of hard-melted metal and oxide powders in high temperature, such as W, Mo, Ti, W, WC, Al2O3, silicon oxide, zirconia and so on;

4. The shape of powder is regular, its balling rate is high, the surface is bright and clean, and also has good flow-ability; The compactness and accumulation density of powder are increased.



Major Technical Index

Relevant technical index maintains the most advanced level in this field; Please contact us if need detailed technology files.










Core Module Structure Technology

Radiofrequency plasma balling powder producing equipment is constructed with following seven components and peripheral components:

1. Radio-frequency plasma torch;

2. Radio-frequency plasma power supply;

3. Gas supplying and powder feeding system;

4. Reaction room and collection room, frame as well;

5. Vacuum pumping system;

6. Electric controlling and measuring system;

7. Cooling water machine unit.



Radio-frequency plasma:

It is the core key technology of the entire equipment, possessing proprietary intellectual property right. And it applies ceramic constraining pipe and divergent nozzles, allowing its performances under inert gas, reduction and oxidation environment.



High-frequency plasma power supply:

    Power 100KW, frequency 3.0±0.5MHz.



Gas sending and powder feeding system:

It sends powder material into plasma torch. The diameters of sent powder particles are 10-200μm; on the other hand, gas supplying system applies precise float flowmeter (4 road), providing working gas (argon) for the torch. Reaction room, gathering room and frame: reaction room and gathering room utilize double-layer water cooling structure, and they are made of stainless steel, entirely adopting vacuum sealing pattern; the frame is spray-painted by carbon steel, partial materials are aluminum alloy which are strong, hard, steady and safe.



Air pumping system:

It is equipped with water-circulating vacuum pump + mechanical pump + lobe pump + regulating valve + pipes + corrugated bellows, and switched to maintain required loading voltage for booting the system its operation. Extreme vacuum is 8 x 10-2Pa.





Electric controlling and measuring system:

   Temperature and pressure measurement, regulation on filter back flushing, powder sending control, and gas flow.

Industrial cooling water machine unit:

   30P, adopting air cooling pattern and providing clean cooling water for power supply and plasma torch.
